What Is Artificial Intelligence and Why AI Is Important (Explained)
We have heard the term Artificial Intelligence or AI, But what does it actually mean? What Is Artificial Intelligence? How Can We Use AI? Read the following article to know the answer and to uncover the mysteries of AI.
The intelligence displayed by machines or Artificial Machines like computers combined with human intelligence to do specific work such as speech recognition is known as Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine to perform tasks thought to require human intelligence. Typical applications include AI for game playing, language translation, expert systems, and robotics.
Let’s look at these terms individually. What do you understand by the term Artificial? It can be anything that is made by humans or things that are not natural and what do you understand by Intelligence, it is the ability to understand different concepts and learn. So what do we get when we combine these two together? Artificial Intelligence. What Is AI then? It’s a broad area of computer science that makes machines seem like they have human intelligence.
What Is The Goal Of AI? The goal of AI is to mimic the human brain and create systems that can function intelligently and independently.
According to the father of Artificial Intelligence John McCarthy, it is “The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”.
Artificial Intelligence is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think.
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The Age Of AI Is Here!
Many Studies and intelligence have said the Age Of AI Is Here! Then you might be wondering why you don’t see flying cars or robotic maids bringing you lunch. Why doesn’t your life look more like the Jetsons? Well, for starters that’s a cartoon and when it comes to AI a robot is nothing more than a shell concealing what’s actually used to power the technology. AI can manifest itself in many different ways like if you have ever asked Alexa to order your food or browse Netflix movie suggestions you are actually interacting with AI without realizing it and that’s kind of the point AI is designed so you do not realize that there is a machine calling the shots in the near future. AI is expected to become a little less artificial and a lot more intelligent as AI becomes more intelligent it will obviously take on the role of an intelligent worker. While most of the repetitive and largely time-oriented tasks can be automated using AI we will still need human experts who can build and maintain these synthetic BOTS and work on the strategic and creative aspects of a job. Hope the robot doesn’t get our feelings.
Why AI Is Important
We have learned about what is Artificial Intelligence now it’s time to know its importance.
Here is why Artificial Intelligence is Important
- AI technology is important because it enables human capabilities – understanding, reasoning, planning, communication, and perception – to be undertaken by software increasingly effectively, efficiently and at low cost.
- Its importance lies in making our lives easier. These technologies are a great asset to humans and are programmed to reduce human effort as much as possible
- The automation of these abilities creates new opportunities in most business sectors and consumer applications.
- Artificial intelligence has made a phenomenal impact in the medical industry and therefore changes the medical industry’s face. There have been various machine learning algorithms and models working efficiently to predict various critical use cases such as determining whether a particular patient has malignant or benign cancer or tumor based on the symptoms and the health records and history.
- AI won’t be sold as an individual product. Instead, products that you use will be enhanced with AI integration, such as Apple products created a buzz with the Siri feature. Chatbots, automation, and smart devices together with massive data can improve several technologies at home and the workplace.
- AI reduces errors, increasing the chances of accuracy and level of precision. Intelligent machines make precise decisions based on the past information they accumulate over time, implementing specific algorithms.
Use Of Artificial Intelligence So Far
What is the use of AI? Where does this Artificial Intelligence use? Well here are some of the key areas where Artificial Intelligence has been used or in the process so far!
In Robotics
Robotics is one of the key areas where AI has Been used. Robots are programmable machines that carry out tasks, but nobody can pinpoint exactly where that definition ends. Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are a powerful combination for automating tasks inside and outside of the factory setting. In recent years, AI has become an increasingly common presence in robotic solutions, introducing flexibility and learning capabilities in previously rigid applications.
Self Driving Vehicle
If we are talking about AI how can we forget Self Driving Cars? Like Tesla. Once considered science fiction, self-driving technology is slowly inching its way towards a driverless reality. In fact, it’s expected that more than 33 million autonomous vehicles will be hitting the road by 2040. We can thank AI for the breakthroughs we’re seeing in truly futuristic technology. How does it happen? Well, AI software in the car is connected to all the sensors and collects input from Google Street View and implements it in video cameras inside the car. The AI simulates human perceptual and decision-making processes using deep learning and controls actions in driver control systems, such as steering and brakes.
AI In Social Media
An AI-powered social monitoring tool or social listening tool can deliver insights from your brand’s social media profiles and audience. It can automate many tedious tasks related to social media management and it can even do social media monitoring at scale. With its ability to organize massive amounts of data, recognize images, introduce chatbots and predict shifts in culture, AI is highly valuable to an industry with billions of users and about $45 billion in annual revenue. A familiar example is META!. Whether it’s Messenger chatbots, algorithmic news feeds, photo tagging suggestions, or ad targeting, AI is deeply embedded in Meta platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and many more.
Use Of AI In E-commerce
AI in E-Commerce is impacting customer choices thanks to its knowledge of previous purchases, searched products, and online browsing habits. Apart from product recommendations, artificial intelligence in the eCommerce industry is being utilized by online retailers for providing chatbot services, analyzing customer comments, and providing personalized services to online shoppers 24/7.
Speech Recognition
With the use of Artificial Intelligence, some intelligent systems are capable of hearing and comprehending the language in terms of sentences and their meanings while a human talks to it. It can handle different accents, slang words, noise in the background, changes in human noise due to cold, etc.
Handwriting Recognition
The handwriting recognition software reads the text written on paper by a pen or on-screen by a stylus. It can recognize the shapes of the letters and convert them into editable text. The live example is Google Lens.
Early work in AI
- “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems, that is, systems that exhibit characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behavior – understanding language, learning, reasoning, solving problems, and so on.”
- Scientific Goal To determine which ideas about knowledge representation, learning, rule systems, search, and so on, explain various sorts of real intelligence.
- Engineering Goal To solve real-world problems using AI techniques such as knowledge representation, learning, rule systems, search, and so on.
- Traditionally, computer scientists and engineers have been more interested in the engineering goal, while psychologists, philosophers, and cognitive scientists have been more interested in the scientific goal.