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7 Ways to Fix Discord No Route Error in 2024 [Fixed]

Discord No Route Error

If you are a Discord user, you may have encountered the No Route error at some point. This error prevents you from joining a voice channel and communicating with other users. It can be very frustrating, especially if you are in the middle of a game or a chat session. In this article, we will explain what causes Discord No Route Error and how to fix it.

Issue: Discord Voice Chat Stuck at ‘No Route

Discord No Route Error

The “No Route” error in Discord occurs when the app is unable to establish a proper connection to the voice server. This can manifest as the inability to join voice channels, leading to frustration for users looking to engage in voice conversations with their friends or colleagues. Several factors can contribute to this issue, ranging from network-related issues to settings conflicts.

Check Your Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is crucial for Discord’s voice communication. High latency, packet loss, or network congestion can lead to the “No Route” error.

Restart Your Devices

Over time, devices accumulate temporary files, cache, and network configurations. Restarting them clears these elements, providing a fresh start and often resolving various connectivity issues.

Review Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Firewalls and antivirus software are designed to protect your system, but they can sometimes block Discord’s communication. Adjusting settings ensures that Discord has the necessary permissions.

You may need to add Discord as an exception or whitelist it in your firewall and antivirus software.

Firewall Whitelisting:

Antivirus Whitelisting:

Adjust VPN Settings

VPNs add an extra layer to your network configuration and may interfere with Discord’s connection. If you are using VPN, Modifying VPN settings can help Discord establish a direct and stable connection.

Verify Discord Server Status

Discord server outages or technical issues on the platform’s end can contribute to the “No Route” error. Checking the server status keeps you informed about ongoing issues.

DNS Configuration

Discord relies on accurate DNS resolution to connect to its servers. Incorrect DNS settings can lead to connection issues.

You can also try changing your DNS server to Google’s public DNS ( and or Cloudflare’s public DNS ( and

Flush your DNS cache to ensure that changes take effect promptly.

Consider using Discord with alternative DNS settings to see if it resolves the error.

Quality of Service (QoS) Settings

Discord’s QoS settings prioritize its traffic, ensuring a smoother communication experience. Configuring QoS on both Discord and your router can enhance voice quality.

Check the voice server status and make sure it is not down or unreachable. You can do this by clicking on the server name in the top left corner of Discord and selecting Server Settings > Overview > Server Region. You can see the status of the voice server in the bottom right corner of the window. If the voice server is down or unreachable, you can try changing it to a different region that is closer to your location or has less traffic.


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