Printer Error operation could not be completed (error 0709) windows 10

Unable to install or connect to a network printer with error message Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709)? You are not alone a number of users report getting Error message “operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709) trying to add a shared printer” for some others change the default printer, results error message “Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709) Double check printer name and make sure the printer is connected to the network” appears. Or the error message different “Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000005). Access is denied.”

This error mostly occurs if the spooler service cannot find out the printer on the network. Or printing permission gets revoked from the windows registry by any malware or conflicting program. Whatever the reason, here effective solutions to fix operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709) windows 10.

How to fix Printer error 0x00000709 windows 10

As discussed before This error occurs when there is not sufficient permission in windows registry to allow a process related to the printer. So, Tweaking registry can resolve this Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000005) Access is denied or Error 0x00000709 issue.

0x00000005 Cannot Set Default Printer

This is especially helpful if you are getting “Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000005). Access is denied.” Cannot Set Default Printer on Windows 10

  • Press Windows + R, type regedit and ok to open windows registry editor,
  • Backup registry database, then navigate the following path.
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windows
  • Here Right Click on Windows Folder, Then Choose permissions
  • Click on Add -> Type everyone ( enter the object names to select ) and click Ok.

add everyone

  • Now From Group or Usernames select your everyone and checkmark Full Control  
  • Click Apply followed by OK to make save changes.
  • Now select the Windows registry key and in the right window pane double-click on Device key.
  • Here Under the value data field type in your printer name and click OK.

Fix printer error 0x00000709

That’s All Now Restart windows to take the changes effective then on next login Try to set your default printer again. Hopefully this time it works!

Error 0x00000709 when connecting a Printer

If you are getting error 0x00000709 while installing a network printer

Run the printer troubleshooter from settings app.

  • Press Windows + I to open settings
  • Click update & security then troubleshooting
  • Now on right hand side look for and select printer,
  • Then clck on run the troubleshooter,
  • This will check and fix permission, print spooler problems that prevent printer to connect.
  • Restart windows after complete the process and try to connect to the network printer.

windows 10 printer troubleshooter

Check if printer spooler files causing the issue

To clear corrupted files from print spooler first we need to stop the print spooler service.

  • Open the command prompt as administrator,
  • Type command net stop spooler to stop the print spooler service.
  • Then Press Windows + R, type %WINDIR%\system32\spool\printers and click Ok.
  • In the open window, and delete all files in this folder.
  • Now again type the command net start spooler to restart the print spooler service.
  • That’s all now try to connect to the network printer check there is no more errors.

Update printer driver

Again sometimes incompatible printer driver cause the operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709) especially while connect to network shared printer. so make sure the printer driver is updated where the printer locally installed.

We suggest visiting the official website of the brand and search for the section that allows the downloading of the latest and older drivers. Should you come across the newest driver, get it up on your computer and install it.

Did these solutions help to fix error 0x00000709 unable to set default printer in windows 10? Let us know on comments below.

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