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How to check hard drive for errors windows 10

disk drive error

Did your PC not perform well even you have a Higher-end computer with High RAM and CPU? There are many reasons that may cause your PC to slow down, And disk drive error is a common one. Power outage, Poor system maintenance, viruses, or human error are some common reasons that may cause Hard drive errors. In the primary stage, It can slow down your performance. But if you are too late to fix this problem, It can ruin your valuable data. Here How to check hard drive for errors and fix them.

How to Fix Hard Disk Errors

There are some ways that help you to find out and fix disk drive errors on Windows 10. So follow these below steps to solve the problem.

Use Disk Error Checking Tool

Many of us don’t know that windows already has a built-in disk error checking tool. It can help you a lot. It also lets you fix the hard disk problems. You just need to follow these instructions –

Use Command Prompt

It will also scan and fix your hard disk problem. Actually, it is the same as method 1. The only difference is you have to do the same thing in the command prompt. Anyway, Here is how to do it –

chkdsk C: /f /r 

Use System File Checker to Fix Hard Drive Problems

Another solution is a System File Checker. Mainly, It is used to repair corrupted system files, But it also helps to find and fix hard disk issues with your system files. So, You can do a try. Here are the things, You will have to do –

sfc /scannow

Hard drives can become damaged or corrupted due to various hard drive errors like bad sectors on the hard drives, file system corruption. So you must learn these basic tips.


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