Using Apple iCloud in Linux, step by step Guide 2025
Do you want to use iCloud on Linux? Then, follow these simple steps to do that.

It is a piece of very heart-shattering news that Apple won’t take their Linux users seriously, even though the majority of people use the iPhone. So, because of Apple’s negligence towards Linux users, there isn’t any good way to use iCloud on Linux. To avoid the rudeness of Apple towards Linux users, they can use the iCloud services app download the iCloud Snap app, or create their own app.
To use the iCloud Snap app or to generate your own application to use iCloud services, you must already have an Apple ID. However, if you want to understand the method to use iCloud on your Linux operating system devices, then you can read the entire blog post carefully.
Use iCloud Snap App
Well, the iCloud Notes Snap application is a very simple browser wrapper packed in the easy to install Snap package. The main objective of this app is to offer quick and easy access to iCloud Notes along with the other features provided by Apple such as email, photo, contact, and much more. Linux users can gain access to the iCloud Notes Snap application by running the Snap packages in the runtime. Without the runtime, Snaps won’t be able to download so you need to keep it working if you don’t have already done that.
It is very easy over Linux Distributions to get the Snap runtime working nowadays as most of the major Linux Distributions support the runtime. To get more information on the topic, you can check out the history of Snaps. However, if you are currently using a Linux operating system along with Snap support, then you can consider switching to Ubuntu.
Download iCloud Notes Snap App
Once the Snap runtime is set up on your Linux operated computer system, then the next step is to download the iCloud application from the snapcraft store and install the software on your Linux operating system. To perform this function, you have to open up a terminal window by pressing the key combination of Ctrl+Alt+T or you can press the Shift key instead of the Alt key on your keyboard. Up next, you have to enter the Snap install command as mentioned ahead for your convenience.
sudo snap install icloud-notes-linux-client
Once you have installed the app, then open up the application menu and search for “icloud-notes-linux-client,” or something similar. Instantly, it will open up on your screen, now you will be prompted to sign in to your Apple iCloud system by entering your Apple ID and password. Just enter everything as it is asked.
So, when you are successfully signed in to your iCloud account, then you will be transported to iCloud Notes and there you can see all the recently saved notes on your iCloud. Now, if you want to access other iCloud services, then you have to go to the top left part of the app window and click on the down arrow. By doing this all the other features of the iCloud app will be revealed in front of you and from there, you can easily use them.
Make a New Linux iCloud App
It is fine for most of the users to use the iCloud Noted Snap package who doesn’t want to make a fuss about iCloud. It is going to be the best iCloud experience that Linux users can get as it is a Snap that can be modified easily. But, if you want an even better and customized experience, then you can try to make your own app using Nativefier.
It is not very difficult to create an iCloud using Nativefier that’s because the program will do all the heavy work for you. You just need the knowledge of using the right command to the terminal. The first step of creating your iCloud app is to download the Nativefier tool. For this, you have to follow the same procedure that you use to download any software on your Linux operating system. Once you’ve got Nativefier installed, open up a terminal, move the session to the tmp directory, and create a new build folder.
cd /tmp
mkdir -p icloud-linux-build-dir
cd icloud-linux-build-dir
In the next phase, you have to use the wget to grab the iCloud app from the internet.
Now, that you have received the iCloud icon file, then next you need to use Nativefier to pack a Linux binary.
nativefier -p linux -a x64 -i icon.png –disable-context-menu –disable-dev-tools –single-instance
Once the package is done creating, then you have to use mv command and rename the output folder to iCloud.
mv sign-in-to-i-cloud-apple-linux-x64 iCloud
Next, place the iCloud folder into /opt.
mv /tmp/icloud-linux-build-dir/icloud /opt
Here, you need to rename the iCloud binary file as.
mv /opt/icloud/sign-in-to-i-cloud-apple /opt/icloud/icloud
Now, you just have to give permission using the chmod command as without the correct permission, you won’t be able to successfully execute the files.
sudo chmod 755 -R /opt/icloud/
So, by following these two simple methods you can use iCloud on Linux along with other services offered by Apple. You can pick out any of the methods at your convenience, but for regular users, the first method is simply the best. Rest choice in your hands.