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YouTube Not Working On your Android device? apply these 7 solutions

YouTube is a video sharing service where users can watch, like, share, comment and upload their own videos. The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and via mobile phones. As YouTube is a great and biggest user base, which serves free online videos with hours worth of content consumed by individuals each hour and each day.  But the problem arrives when YouTube stops working on Android phones or tablets. As many users had complained that YouTube not working on their Android phones, they face different issues regarding YouTube apps. Such as, YouTube videos load but do not play, or YouTube life with a blank screen, or else users get errors like no connection, check your internet connection, error loading, playback error, etc.

YouTube not working on Android here how to fix that!

So whatever problem you are facing with your YouTube read this full article to get some of the major and best troubleshooting solutions that you can try and fix YouTube not working on Android.

Restart your Android Phone

Sometimes, all you need to do is simply Restart your device as Restarting your device might be helpful to clear some of the bugs and will definitely help you to deal with the issue. A normal restart is good where you have to switch off your device and again Restart it, but here we will suggest you do hard restart as it is more effective!

Here’s how,

That should fix any temporary issue causing YouTube not working on Android. If the issue still exists move ahead to the next troubleshooting solutions.

Check your internet connection

YouTube provides video streaming services and sharing services on online basis, so it requires a good internet connection to run properly. So one should verify whether the internet is working properly on their phone or not. How to check that? Simply open any website through a browser or launch any other app. If all seems well, the internet is working fine. If not then you have to troubleshoot your internet connection,

Here’s how

Enable and disable airplane mode!

Enabling Airplane Mode disables Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and turns off the cell phone’s ability to connect to cellular networks. So, By enabling and disabling Airplane mode on your Smartphone, you’re effectively restarting features like cellular connection, Wi-Fi connection and refresh all Network Settings. Here’s how you can do that, (if your internet connection is not good)

Correct your Time and Date

It may sound silly, but if your Time or/and Date is incorrect then you may face issue not only with YouTube but also with other apps like WhatsApp, etc. So you should make sure your phone has the correct date and time. Here’s how,

Clear Cached data

The reason behind your YouTube Not Working On Android can be loaded cache data. If you have not cleared your YouTube cached data for a long time then you might suffer from this issue.

Some of the files might get corrupted, which creates problems, so it is important to clear the YouTube application data and cache data to solve the issue. Here’s how,

And then Restart your device, This will definitely help you to solve the issue, if not then move to other troubleshooting solutions

Search for YouTube update

Updating your YouTube application (if available) could be the major solution for any kind of crashes you face. Many times, such issues can also happen due to a bug in the app. As an update comes with bug fixes and might solve the issue. Here’s how can you update your application

Reinstall YouTube App

If no update is available or updating the YouTube app doesn’t fix the problem, you should uninstall the YouTube app. What you have to do is simply uninstall the YouTube application and then again re-download it from the Google Play Store. This will clear corrupt files and help you to solve the issue. Here’s how can you do that,

In many cases YouTube will not Fully uninstall as it is a default application for many smartphones, it will only uninstall Updates but that’s enough. When that happens, update the app again.

Reset app preferences

What if all the above solutions did not work and you are still unable to use YouTube on your Android device? If the problem still exists you have to reset your app preferences. While resetting app preferences will not delete any of your personal data.  It will only revert settings like permissions, restrictions, etc., to their default ones.

To reset app preferences follow the steps,


Hope so your problem of YouTube not working on Android has been solved and now you are able to use your YouTube and its features properly. Please let us know from which solution you make it possible. And feel free to ask any kind of query that arises in your mind. We are here to help you always.

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