Solved: Chromecast Not Working on Windows 10
Windows 10 Cast to Device not working ? Here we have different solutions help to fix Chromecast not working or chromecast no devices found windows 10

Today, one of the most popular media streaming devices is Chromecast from Google that allows you to watch live videos from the internet on your smart tv for free. This device can be also connected with your personal computer and laptop to stream online videos. However, some of the users have reported over time that Chromecast not working on Windows 10 or is not able to connect it properly.
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Chromecast not working windows 10
Google chromecast stopped being discoverable. I have powercycled (turned it off and on) both it and the modem/router, and nothing has changed. The pictures from the internet show up on the tv that the chormecast device is plugged into, but neither of our laptops or phones can locate the device.
There are plenty of different reasons behind the Chromecast stopped working, cast to the device not working on Windows 10 or not connecting to the internet connection. Like incorrect network configuration, firewall blocking, security software, and much more. So, if you are facing this problem and won’t be able to watch your favorite shows online, then you can use the following solutions to fix Chromecast no devices found or not working problem on Windows 10.
Update the Chrome browser
- Open Google Chrome browser
- Click 3Dots. It’s in the top-right corner of Chrome’s window. Doing so will invoke a drop-down menu.
- Select Help. It’s near the bottom of the drop-down menu. Selecting Help will prompt a pop-out window.
- Click About Google Chrome. This option is at the top of the pop-out window.
- The update process should only take a couple of minutes at most.
Start media sharing
Sometimes your device automatically blocks the media sharing and all the wireless file sharing features. This is the most common feature behind the Chromecast not working. To do this, you need to open Windows services and look for Windows Media Player Network Sharing service and right-click on it and enable the service. If the service already running on your computer, then you can simply right-click and restart your service. Now, you need to save all the changes and check whether you can connect Chromecast properly or not.
Turn on Network Discovery
Make sure your computer is on the same network as your Chromecast device.
- Select the Start, then select Settings> Network & Internet > Wi-Fi.
- Under Related settings, select Change advanced sharing options.
- In the Advanced sharing settings dialog box, expand the Private Next,
- under Network discovery, select Turn on Network discovery.
- Under File and printer sharing, select Turn on file and Printer Sharing.
- Reboot the PC and check if it works.
Disable VPN
If you are using the virtual private network on your internet network to securely browse over the web, then you should try to disable it. Sometimes due to a VPN connection, your Chromecast device won’t be properly able to connect with your laptop or any other Windows gadgets. If you don’t know how to disconnect your VPN connection, then you can check the online instructions of your service provider to enable and disable VPN. You can easily download the instructions from the internet.
Update Firewall and Antivirus
You need to make sure that the firewall and antivirus software present on your computer are up to date and they aren’t blocking your Chrome Cast connection. Windows 10 has an inbuilt firewall feature that won’t allow you to easily connect with the Chrome Cast device. So, you need to check whether the Chromecast app isn’t blocked by firewall settings. However, if you are renting a wireless router, then you need to contact your internet service provider. However, if you have purchased the router, then you need to check the network firewall settings.
Reboot Your Devices
If you want to try an easy method to make your Chromecast work, then you can try to reboot your router and Chromecast device. You need to do nothing much to reboot your Chromecast and computer. To reboot your Chromecast, you need to unplug them from the power source for around 2 minutes. You should also reboot your casting device like your laptop or PC.
Factory Reset Chromecast Settings
If you aren’t able to revive your Chromecast after trying all the different methods, then you have left only one solution to reset the factory settings. To reset the Chromecast, you just need to hold the device and hold the button on your Chromecast for a couple of seconds till the power light blinks. By doing this, your Chromecast device will automatically reboot and this will eventually solve the problem for you.
So, if your Chromecast not working on Windows 10, then you don’t need to panic. Just follow the basic instructions like rebooting your device or update your software and the problem will automatically fix for you. You just need to start by restarting your device and only use the factory reset option when nothing else works for you.