What Is Encryption and How To Encrypt or Decrypt Your Important Data
Encryption and decryption is a security method encoding data from plaintext to ciphertext and that can be decrypted by the user with the encryption key. It helps provide data security for sensitive information.

We have all heard the term Encryption. This term is frequently used in reviews, specifications, and virtually anything relating to the internet. But, exactly, what is encryption? You’re well aware that it safeguards your data from hackers. What you might not realise is that there are varied lengths of so-called keys. There are also other methods of encryption. So what is Encryption? Encryption is a method of concealing information by transforming it into random data. Encryption is necessary for Internet security. Know All About Encryption In This Article.
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What Is Encryption?
Encryption is a method of securing digital data by employing one or more mathematical techniques, as well as a password or “key” used to decrypt the data. The encryption process converts data using an algorithm that renders the original data unreadable.
For example, the process can convert plaintext into ciphertext, which is an alternative form of plaintext and can not be readable by Third party. When an authorised user needs to read the data, they can use a binary key to decrypt it. This will convert ciphertext to plaintext, allowing only the authorised user to access the original data.
Encryption, to put it another way, takes readable data and makes it appear random (Ciphertext). Encryption necessitates the employment of a cryptographic key, which is a set of mathematical values agreed upon by both the sender and receiver of an encrypted message.
What Is Cryptography?
Cryptography is the creation and analysis of protocols that prevent third parties or the public from reading private messages. Until modern times, cryptography has been virtually synonymous with encryption, which translates information from a readable state into incomprehensible nonsense.
What is a key in cryptography?
A cryptography key is a string used by an encryption algorithm to modify data to appear ulter nonsense or in Ciphertext. Like a physical key, data is locked (encrypted) so that only the authorised person with the correct key can unlock (decrypt) it.
How Does Encryption Work?
Basically, it’s a method of locking (scrambled) and unlocking (reverting) data using a unique key (password), which is an incomprehensible long number. There are two types of Encryption: Symmetric and Asymmetric. We will see what is asymmetric encryption and what is symmetric encryption one by one.
What Is Symmetric Encryption?
To put it as simply as possible, symmetric encryption is a type of encryption that encrypts and decrypts data using the same key. Both the sender and the recipient have identical copies of the key, which they keep private and never share with anyone. AES uses a symmetric-key algorithm.
What Is Asymmetric Encryption?
When two keys (a public and a private one) are used to send unreadable data over the internet, it is referred to as asymmetric. The public key is the one that can encrypt text and can be shared with others. The private is the only one who is capable of decrypting the encrypted data you have received. Everyone else must be kept in the dark about it.
Public and private keys are not obtained from one other, despite the fact that they are connected. As a result, knowing one isn’t enough to guess the other. Asymmetric encryption is a foundational or root technology for TLS (often called SSL).
Why Is Data Encryption Necessary?
Encryption Also known as data encryption is a way of translating data from plaintext (unencrypted) to ciphertext (encrypted). So why Is Data Encryption Important?

Encryption gives a guarantee that only the intended recipient or the authorized data owner may read messages or data in transit. This protects sensitive data from being intercepted and read by attackers, ad networks, Internet service providers, and, in some situations, governments and hence it protects your privacy.
Whether the data is in transit or at rest, encryption can help avoid data breaches. The data on a corporate device that has been lost or stolen and whose hard disc has been appropriately encrypted will remain secure. Encrypted communications, on the other hand, allow communicating parties to exchange sensitive data without it being leaked.
Data integrity
On-path attacks such as man in the middle attack, for example, can be prevented by encryption. When data is sent over the Internet, encryption (together with other integrity safeguards) ensures that the information received by the recipient has not been tampered with along the way.
Among other things, public-key encryption can be used to verify that the private key listed in a website’s TLS certificate belongs to the owner of the website. This ensures that users of the website are connected to the correct webpage.
What Is An Encryption Algorithm?
The process of turning plaintext to ciphertext and vice versa is defined by an encryption algorithm. The encryption key will be used by an algorithm to alter the data in a predictable fashion, such that even though the encrypted data appears random, it can be decrypted using the decryption key. Algorithms are used in all of the numerous types of encryption listed below
The following are examples of symmetric encryption algorithms that are often used:
What Is AES Encryption? The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a data encryption system developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the United States in 2001. The block size of AES is 128 bits, and the key lengths are 128, 192, and 256 bits.
A symmetric-key algorithm is used by AES. This means that the data is encrypted and decrypted using the same key. Although 128-bit encryption is now the industry standard, most banks, militaries, and governments still employ 256-bit encryption for extra strong and reliable protection.
What Is DES Encryption? Triple DES (3DES or TDES), also known as the Triple Data Encryption Method, is a symmetric-key block cypher that uses the DES cypher algorithm three times to encrypt each data block
Asymmetric encryption techniques that are commonly employed include:
RSA Encryption
What Is RSA Encryption? RSA is an acronym for Rivest Shamir Adleman. RSA is a public-key cryptosystem named after its creators. RSA is commonly employed in secure data transfer because of its powerful algorithm and lengthy key length.
SSL Encryption
What Is SSL Encryption? SSL encrypts sensitive information like login credentials, social security numbers, and bank account numbers, making it impossible for unauthorized users to read and use the data even if they view it. On SSL-secured websites, the lock icon and the “HTTPS” address signify that the connection is secure.
End To End Encryption
What Is End To End Encryption? End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a secure communication technology that prevents third parties from gaining access to data as it moves from one end system to another. E2EE encrypts data on the sender’s system or device, and only the intended receiver has the key to decrypt it.
How To Encrypt Your Data?
So far now we understand, what is encryption, Why Is Data Encryption Necessary, and what is Encryption Algorithm. Now lets understand, how to encrypt your important data.
Visit A Trustworthy Site
Encryption is essential for many technologies, but it’s especially critical for keeping HTTP requests and responses safe, as well as authenticating website origin servers. HTTPS is the protocol that is accountable for this (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). A website delivered using HTTPS rather than HTTP has a URL that starts with https:// rather than http://, which is commonly indicated by a secure lock in the address bar.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the encryption protocol used by HTTPS (TLS). Previously, the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption protocol was the industry standard however, TLS has now supplanted SSL. A TLS certificate will be deployed on the origin server of a website that uses HTTPS. Surf through sites that display the lock icon or “https://” in your web browser’s address bar.
Use Of Encrypted Password Manager
Premium password managers are preferable to built-in password managers in web browsers like Google Chrome. The latter simply saves data without encrypting it. Premium password management software can remember your login credentials, preserve additional digital data (such as credit card information) as encrypted text, and complete up forms automatically.
Browse the Internet With VPN Enabled
Any reputable VPN can encrypt your internet traffic (any data that flows from your device to your provider’s server) successfully and consistently. VPNs employ tunneling in addition to encryption to help protect any information you transfer online from leaking out in the open and to safeguard your connection even more.