Best Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts you should know 2025

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keys that, when pressed together, perform a specific action or command, making it faster and easier to perform certain tasks.

Everyone loves a quick way to get things done in Windows, and If a mouse tends to slow you down, here we have collected the most useful Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts keys to get things done quicker, and use windows computers more easily and smoothly.

Windows Key combinations

Base key Combination Result
Windows A Open action center
Windows C Launch Cortana Assistant in listening mode
Windows S Search with Cortana / launch Coratna
Windows I Open SETTINGS app
Windows D Minimize or Maximize the current window
Windows E Launch Windows file explorer
Windows F Open Windows feedback hub
Windows G Open the hidden GAME bar
Windows H Open dictation , text to speech service
Windows I Open Settings
Windows K Display to wireless devices and audio devices
Windows L Lock the desktop
Windows M Minimize everything. Show desktop
Windows P Project to external display
Windows Q Open Cortana
Windows R To open RUN Dialog Box
Windows S Open Search
Windows T Switch through the apps on the taskbar
Windows U Go to Display directly in the Settings app
Windows W Open Windows INK workspace
Windows X Power menu
Windows CTRL + D Add virtual desktop
Windows CTRL + Right Arrow Switch to the virtual desktop on right
Windows CTRL + Left arrow Switch,to virtual desktop on left
Windows CTRL + F4 Close,current virtual desktop
Windows TAB Open,task view
Windows ALT + TAB Also,opens task view
Windows Left Arrow Arrange,current window to left edge of screen
Windows Right Arrow Arrange,current window to right edge of screen
Windows Up Arrow Arrange,current window to top of screen
Windows Down Arrow Arrange,current window to bottom of screen
Windows Down Arrow (Twice) Minimize,current window
Windows Space bar Change input language (if installed)
Windows Comma ( ,) Temporarily peek at the desktop.


General keyboard shortcuts

Alt + Tab Switch between open apps.
Alt + Left arrow key Go back.
Alt + Right arrow key Go foward.
Alt + Page Up Move up one screen.
Alt + Page down Move down one screen.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc To open Task manager
Ctrl + Alt +Tab View open apps
Ctrl + C Copy selected items to clipboard.
Ctrl + X Cut selected items.
Ctrl + V Paste content from clipboard.
Ctrl + A Select all content.
Ctrl + Z Undo an action.
Ctrl + Y Redo an action.
Ctrl + D Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.
Ctrl + Esc Open the Start Menu.
Ctrl + Shift Switch the keyboard layout.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager.
Ctrl + F4 Close the active window


Keyboard Run Commands

Opens Press Windows + R and type:
Open Documents Folder documents
Open Videos folder videos
Open Downloads Folder downloads
Open Favorites Folder favorites
Open Recent Folder recent
Open Pictures Folder pictures
Adding a new Device devicepairingwizard
About Windows dialog winver
Add Hardware Wizard hdwwiz
Advanced User Accounts netplwiz
Advanced User Accounts azman.msc
Backup and Restore sdclt
Bluetooth File Transfer fsquirt
Calculator calc
Certificates certmgr.msc
Change Computer Performance Settings systempropertiesperformance
Change Data Execution Prevention Settings systempropertiesdataexecutionprevention
Change Data Execution Prevention Settings printui
Character Map charmap
ClearType Tuner cttune
Color Management colorcpl
Command Prompt cmd
Component Services comexp.msc
Component Services dcomcnfg
Computer Management compmgmt.msc
Computer Management compmgmtlauncher
Connect to a Projector displayswitch
Control Panel control
Create A Shared Folder Wizard shrpubw
Create a System Repair Disc recdisc
Data Execution Prevention systempropertiesdataexecutionprevention
Date and Time timedate.cpl
Default Location locationnotifications
Device Manager devmgmt.msc
Device Manager hdwwiz.cpl
Device Pairing Wizard devicepairingwizard
Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard msdt
Digitizer Calibration Tool tabcal
DirectX Diagnostic Tool dxdiag
Disk Cleanup cleanmgr
Disk Defragmenter dfrgui
Disk Management diskmgmt.msc
Display dpiscaling
Display Color Calibration dccw
Display Switch displayswitch
DPAPI Key Migration Wizard dpapimig
Driver Verifier Manager verifier
Ease of Access Center utilman
EFS Wizard rekeywiz
Event Viewer eventvwr.msc
Fax Cover Page Editor fxscover
File Signature Verification sigverif
Font Viewer fontview
Game Controllers joy.cpl
IExpress Wizard iexpress
Internet Explorer iexplore
Internet Options inetcpl.cpl
iSCSI Initiator Configuration Tool iscsicpl
Language Pack Installer lpksetup
Local Group Policy Editor gpedit.msc
Local Security Policy secpol.msc
Local Users and Groups lusrmgr.msc
Location Activity locationnotifications
Magnifier magnify
Malicious Software Removal Tool mrt
Manage Your File Encryption Certificates rekeywiz
Microsoft Management Console mmc
Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool msdt
Mouse main.cpl
NAP Client Configuration napclcfg.msc
Narrator narrator
Network Connections ncpa.cpl
New Scan Wizard wiaacmgr
Notepad notepad
ODBC Data Source Administrator odbcad32
ODBC Driver Configuration odbcconf
On-Screen Keyboard osk
Paint mspaint
Pen and Touch tabletpc.cpl
People Near Me collab.cpl
Performance Monitor perfmon.msc
Performance Options systempropertiesperformance
Phone and Modem telephon.cpl
Phone Dialer dialer
Power Options powercfg.cpl
Presentation Settings presentationsettings
Print Management printmanagement.msc
Printer Migration printbrmui
Printer User Interface printui
Private Character Editor eudcedit
Problem Steps Recorder psr
Programs and Features appwiz.cpl
Protected Content Migration dpapimig
Region and Language intl.cpl
Registry Editor regedit
Registry Editor 32 regedt32
Remote Access Phonebook rasphone
Remote Desktop Connection mstsc
Resource Monitor resmon
Resultant Set of Policy rsop.msc
SAM Lock Tool syskey
Screen Resolution desk.cpl
Securing the Windows Account Database syskey
Services services.msc
Set Program Access and Computer Defaults computerdefaults
Share Creation Wizard shrpubw
Shared Folders fsmgmt.msc
Signout logoff
Snipping Tool snippingtool
Sound mmsys.cpl
Sound recorder soundrecorder
SQL Server Client Network Utility cliconfg
Sticky Notes stikynot
Stored User Names and Passwords credwiz
Sync Center mobsync
System Configuration msconfig
System Configuration Editor sysedit
System Information msinfo32
System Properties sysdm.cpl
System Properties (Advanced Tab) systempropertiesadvanced
System Properties (Computer Name Tab) systempropertiescomputername
System Properties (Hardware Tab) systempropertieshardware
System Properties (Remote Tab) systempropertiesremote
System Properties (System Protection Tab) systempropertiesprotection
System Restore rstrui
Task Manager taskmgr
Task Scheduler taskschd.msc
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Management tpm.msc
Turn Windows features on or off optionalfeatures
User Account Control Settings useraccountcontrolsettings
Utility Manager utilman
Volume Mixer sndvol
Windows Action Center wscui.cpl
Windows Activation Client slui
Windows Anytime Upgrade Results windowsanytimeupgraderesults
Windows Disc Image Burning Tool isoburn
Windows Explorer explorer
Windows Fax and Scan wfs
Windows Firewall firewall.cpl
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security wf.msc
Windows Journal journal
Windows Media Player wmplayer
Windows Memory Diagnostic Scheduler mdsched
Windows Mobility Center mblctr
Windows Picture Acquisition Wizard wiaacmgr
Windows PowerShell powershell
Windows PowerShell ISE powershell_ise
Windows Remote Assistance msra
Windows Repair Disc recdisc
Windows Script Host wscript
Windows Update wuapp
Windows Update Standalone Installer wusa
Versione Windows winver
WMI Management wmimgmt.msc
WordPad write
XPS Viewer xpsrchvw


Command Prompt keyboard shortcuts

Press this key To do this
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert) Copy the selected text.
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) Paste the selected text.
Ctrl + M Enter Mark mode.
Alt + selection key Begin selection in block mode.
Arrow keys Move the cursor in the direction specified.
Page up Move the cursor by one page up.
Page down Move the cursor by one page down.
Ctrl + Home (Mark mode) Move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer.
Ctrl + End (Mark mode) Move the cursor to the end of the buffer.
Ctrl + Up arrow Move up one line in the output history.
Ctrl + Down arrow Move down one line in the output history.
Ctrl + Home (History navigation) If the command line is empty, move the viewport to the top of the buffer. Otherwise, delete all the characters to the left of the cursor in the command line.
Ctrl + End (History navigation) If the command line is empty, move the viewport to the command line. Otherwise, delete all the characters to the right of the cursor in the command line.

These are some most useful Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts to use windows 10 more smoother and faster. If any missing or found new keyboard shortcuts share on comments bellow.

Source microsoft
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