Fix: Your windows license will expire soon but windows 10 is activated

Getting a popup message your windows license will expire soon you need to activate windows in pc settings? A number of users report After the Recent Windows 10 upgrade getting your windows license will expire soon pop up even if their Windows is already activated. For some of the other users, Windows 10 OS comes pre-loaded While purchasing a new laptop but and now they encounter this Windows License Will Expire Soon error.

There might be different reasons for it, such as you installed an incorrect edition which is not intended to use for your device. For example, the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) shipped your device with Windows 10 Home edition but you installed Windows 10 Pro edition. If you upgraded Windows 10 Home to Pro edition but your license is not supported for the upgraded edition. Or Mismatch on upgrade edition etc.

Fix your windows license will expire soon

If you also receive a message stating that Your Windows license will expire soon, You need to activate Windows in Settings on Windows 10 – but your Windows 10 is already activated – then here is the solution.

If you are a member of the Windows Insider Program, just uninstall the Windows product key, reboot your Windows computer and then log in again with your Insider account.

Manually Reactive the windows 10 Licence

The best way to resolve this error is to reactivate your Windows license. To do so, you have to remove it from your PC and then use the same license key (in the sticker) to activate your Windows license again.

Note: If you can’t locate your current Windows license key because you forgot to back up it or the sticker was removed, you can retrieve it by using ShowKeyPlus. Visit here to download it and use it to view your Windows license key And note down the license key.

Remove the current Windows license

  • Now open the Command Prompt program with administrator privilege.
  • Type command slmgr -rearm and hit the enter key to execute the command.
  • A popup will open with message command complete successfully and restart the take effect.
  • Simply reboot your computer.

Command to remove Windows licence

Re-Active the windows license

Now Use the Windows license key on the sticker to activate your Windows again.

  1. Press Windows + I to open Windows settings,
  2. Click on Update and security, then Activation,
  3. Now Click on the Change product key button there,
  4. Here enter your licensed unique product key and this should activate the machine.

Enter product key

Check Windows License Manager service Running

  • Press Windows + R type services.msc and ok
  • Now Scroll down and look for the Windows License Manager service
  • Right-click Windows License Manager service select restart
  • Also, make sure the startup type is set Automatic.
  • Click apply and ok
  • Now scroll down and select “Windows Update” and double click on it.
  • Change the Startup Type and change it to “Disabled” Again Click on Stop the service and Apply and OK.
  • Now Restart your computer and check the status.
  • your windows will expire soon problem solved.

Run Activation Troubleshooter

Windows 10 comes with a prebuild windows Activation troubleshooter which to check and fix windows activation problems. Run the troubleshooter check if helps.

  • Open Settings app,
  • click on Update & Security and navigate to Activation.
  • Just click on the Troubleshoot option under Active windows now and let the wizard work for you.

Activation Troubleshooter

  • It will detect all the possible problems that are being faced in activating your Windows Operating System. And will display them in a list after Your Windows License will Expire Soon Windows 10 Pro error has evaluated it completely.
  • If this problem started after a recent hardware change then click the option I recently changed hardware on this device and follow the on-screen instruction.
  • After running the troubleshooter again open the Activation Window clicks on entering a product key.
  • Click it and enter a valid 25-digit license key or try for a digital license if possible and your OS will be soon activated.

If all the above fails to activate the expired license, The only way you can purchase a genuine windows license from the windows store or you can download and install KMS Pico Activation Software. It’s a trustable software capable of activating your Windows Operating System as well as the Microsoft Windows Office Suite.

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